Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Moon

I went out tonight with my telephoto lens hoping to capture the "super moon". Unfortunately it was very cloudy when the moon was at its largest. I waited until it breached the clouds and took a few shots. I didn't get exactly what I had hoped, but I had fun anyway. It was very relaxing sitting in the quiet with just the wind whistling in my ears. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Colorado Garden & Home Show

I had a great time at the Colorado Garden & Home Show. I filled out forms to win everything from and iPad to $500 worth of granite. Didn't win anything, but I came home with all sorts of goodies. My favorite is a little measuring tape, the perfect size for my glove box. The landscaping displays were amazing. Being around all the flowers and flowering trees in the middle of the winter transported me. The scent of hyacinths was intoxicating. The two story waterfall had to be a feat to create. Oh, and I can't forget the animatronic shark, plesiosaur and giant squid with eels! I most enjoyed photographing the flowers. The others are just in reference to the comments above. Hope you enjoy!

 The sound of this waterfall was amazing.


Try to imagine these creatures moving.

Some of the flowers I love. 
(Who am I kidding...I love all flowers!)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sometimes in the middle of nothing, you find something.

In December my husband and I drove across Nebraska. If you've made this drive you know how boring it is. There's a museum built on a bridge over the interstate in the middle of the state. Seeing it has become something to look forward to after miles of nothing. We usually have our dog in the car on this trip, so we haven't been in the museum. I hear they have a radar gun by the window for visitors to see how fast traffic is traveling under them. I always wave as we drive under.

Just in case, I keep my pocket sized Lumix camera on the center console during road trips. Once in a while I see something interesting.

Snow coated the trees.

A sculpture at a rest area on the edge of a frozen pond.

This one is my favorite...because of the truck that happened to be in front as we drove by. Not sure what the story is behind the paintings. The other side of silos was blank.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Why blog?

I registered this blog over a year ago, and forgot about it. Today I decided that my desire to meet other photographers and gain feedback was strong enough to finally share my thoughts and photography.
I recently bought a Nikon D90. But I still shoot with a 6 year old Lumix DMC-FX7 because of the convenience and the Leica lens. I also have a few toy cameras with film that's been waiting to be developed for so long I can't remember what I shot.
I've been using my Evo's camera a lot lately. It's difficult to get a great shot with it, but it's nice to always have a pretty decent camera with me.
I've been working with SLR's since I was a teenager. My dad taught me how to use it. I furthered my education in a high school photography classes and various college courses. I have everything to set up a black and white dark room, but have never set it up. Never had the room or the money for the chemicals. I always loved working in the dark room. The elements of quiet concentration, timing and chemistry could keep me in there for hours. I'm currently searching for a home. Hopefully I'll find one with room for my first darkroom.
My husband and I are trying to plan a trip to Europe in the spring. I'm so excited about the photographic opportunities there. Also the chance to meet my distant cousins who live in the Italian Alps. We're just starting to plan, so we'll see what happens. I'm really hoping it's not going to be so expensive that we'll be paying for it for years.
So, that's a basic summary of what's going on with me right now. What's going on with you?